Another crazy hectic day at work. But I finished the best book ever on my last smoke break.
The Forest of Hands and Teeth![](
by Carrie Ryan. It is oddly reminiscent of the movie
The Village![](
but instead of there being no reason for the fence...there is a VERY big reason for the fence, the Unconsecrated. This book is set in a post-apocalyptic world, where this one village has managed to survive for several generations. The Unconsecrated are a daily threat, but that isn't the only threat, there are secrets that are kept from the regular people by The Sisterhood and The Guardians. Secrets that Mary begins to unravel and it makes her crave knowledge of the outside world, especially when she finds that there is a cruel heart that beats within the reasoning behind keeping the secrets. This book is quick to read, and impossible to put down. I was nearly late to work this morning because of it. LOL. I cannot wait to buy and read the next in this series,
The Dead-Tossed Waves![](
Well off to Wal-mart with The Boy to get one of those fan thingy's for my laptop. He's helping me get it all jazzed back up before school starts next week. While I'm gone please check out today's first Dropper's blog:
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